Are you looking for permanent storage of CO2?
If you are a company planning to capture CO2 for CCS, you may be interested in how you can become a customer. In the initial phase, CO2next provides services for CCS in the empty gas fields under the North Sea, for example via the Aramis trunklinke.
Contracting and delivery for storage in the depleted gas fields are managed through Shippers (also called Marketers). Shippers can offer you a combined transport and storage service; from collecting the CO2 from your company to storing it in an empty gas field.
For more information or direct contact with the Shippers, please go to the customer page of the Aramis-CCS website.
Are you looking for more information on CO2next?
In the overview below you find the basic specifications of the CO2next terminal. The terminal is envisaged to be developed with additional (stand-alone) functionalities, such as re-loading of vessels and railcars for CCS and CCU purposes.
If you would like to get in touch with us about such services and/or for specific questions about CO2next, please contact us via
CO2next terminal
Open access
- Multi-customer, non-discriminatory, and independently operated
- For all emitters not connected to a CO2 pipeline
- Accessible from the initial phase by barges and coasters
- In the future it may also be accessible by train
- Connected to permanent storage fields under the North Sea via the Aramis off-shore pipeline (CCS)
- Also for temporary storage and further transport as part of future CO2 reuse infrastructure (CCU)
- Start-up phase: storage and processing capacity of 5.4 Mtpa
- First growth phase: storage and processing capacity of 10 Mtpa, possibly also delivery by rail
- Final phase: storage and processing capacity 15 Mtpa
Operational from
- We aim for a final investment decision in 2025
- According to the plan, the terminal will be able to start-up in 2029