Public notice of first draft permits

Together with Aramis we’ve reached a next step in our process. The first batch of draft permits and the associated Environmental Assessment report (EIA) are now accessible to the general public on the RVO website. From September 13th to October 24th, 2024 any interested person or party may submit a point of view.

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Preferred option determined by Dutch Ministry of Climate and Energy

Another step has been taken with the determination of the preferred option (Voorkeursalternatief or VKA) by the Dutch Minister of Climate and Energy, as published February 9. The preferred option is an outline design for the Aramis initiative’s infrastructure that optimally considers all public interests along with a range of preconditions, such as safety, technical feasibility, environmental impact, future viability, costs, and spatial integration.  

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CO2nnect Vopak Vlissingen

Final Memorandum on Scope and Level of Detail for CO2next and Aramis

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has determined and published the Memorandum on Scope and Level of Detail (NRD) on December 2, 2022. This memorandum contains the framework for the environmental impact assessment (EIA) to be drawn up for CO2next and Aramis. The EIA maps out the environmental effects of the project, such as the effects on safety, landscape, nature, soil and water. The aim of the EIA is to make sure that environmental issues are given a rightful place in the decision-making process.

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Advice of the Environmental Impact Report Committee (commissie m.e.r)

On 18 August 2022, the EIA Committee published its advice on the environmental impact report yet to be drawn up. The EIA Committee stated that all the consequences of capture and storage must be examined. This means that the initiators of the Aramis project for CO₂ transport must map out the environmental effects of the entire chain.

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New notification Aramis and CO2next for public consultation

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Change published the draft Notitie Reikwijdte en Detailniveau (c-NRD) for the Aramis initiative on Friday 10 June 2022. The memorandum contains the frameworks for the environmental impact report for the Aramis initiative.

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co2next logo

CO2nnect continues as CO2next

The partners Vopak, Gasunie and Gate terminal in CO2nnect have decided to continue the project under a new name: CO2next. This was prompted by signals we received afterwards regarding the registration of the brand name. 

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